Thursday, 21 October 2010
Generic Suicide Research
Hanging appears to be one of the most shocking and visually disturbing of all the deaths unlike the other methods that can be done almost instantly and without much difficulty a hanging requires time and effort for it to succeed which shows a grim determination of the individual.
However very few people leave messages or reasons behind to explain their actions and as a result their deaths are relatively mysterious which has caused the law enforcement to assume every suicide without explanation to have been committed by an outside party thus making almost every suicide attempt in some way supernatural since the act of the killing ones self is unnatural in itself.
Scientific Suicide Research
Egoistic suicides are the result of a weakening of the bonds that normally integrate individuals into the collectively: in other words a breakdown or decrease of social integration. Durkheim refers to this type of suicide as the result of "excessive individuation", meaning that the individual becomes increasingly detached from other members of his community. Those individuals who were not sufficiently bound to social groups (and therefore well-defined values, traditions, norms, and goals) were left with little social support or guidance, and therefore tended to commit suicide on an increased basis. An example Durkheim discovered was that of unmarried people, particularly males, who, with less to bind and connect them to stable social norms and goals, committed suicide at higher rates than married people.
Altruistic suicides occur in societies with high integration, where individual needs are seen as less important than the society's needs as a whole. They thus occur on the opposite integration scale as egoistic suicide. As individual interest would not be considered important, Durkheim stated that in an altruistic society there would be little reason for people to commit suicide. He stated one exception, namely when the individual is expected to kill him or herself on behalf of society – a primary example being the soldier in military service.
Anomic suicides are the product of moral deregulation and a lack of definition of legitimate aspirations through a restraining social ethic, which could impose meaning and order on the individual conscience. This is symptomatic of a failure of economic development and division of labour to produce Durkheim's organic solidarity. People do not know where they fit in within their societies. Durkheim explains that this is a state of moral disorder where man's desires are limitless and, thus, his disappointments are infinite.
Fatalistic suicides occur in overly oppressive societies, causing people to prefer to die than to carry on living within their society. This is an extremely rare reason for people to take their own lives, but a good example would be within a prison; people prefer to die than live in a prison with constant abuse and excessive regulation that prohibits them from pursuing their desires.
These four types of suicide are based on the degrees of imbalance of two social forces: social integration and moral regulation. Durkheim noted the effects of various crises on social aggregates – war, for example, leading to an increase in altruism, economic boom or disaster contributing to anomie.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Short Film Distribution
A typical path for a high-quality short might go like this: First, major national and international cable channels (Sundance, Bravo, Encore, IFM, Canal Plus, Channel 4, The Independent Film Channel, Bravo, the newly launched Short TV, BBC, etc.), which will expect an exclusive license on the film for a period of one to three years. Simultaneously, short films can be broadcast on the internet and, in some cases, the cable channel will allow licensing the film to a venue such as an airline. Companies also license short films for video and DVD compilations (Short Cinema Journal by Polygram is a leader), or sell them to various other secondary exhibition venues. Essentially, you can expect these distributors to work to sell your short and have it shown anywhere possible, worldwide. After the first license expires, the distributor can then take your film to regional programmers, where the contracts are typically not exclusive. Beginning the hunt for a distributor for short homework. Familiarize yourself with the outlets each typ¬ically sells to. Can you name some of the films they've acquired? Does yours fit the bill? Be sure you have a clear idea of the aes¬thetics you need to achieve to succeed in the marketplace. Short film distributors and the buyers are very selective, so the more infor¬mation the better prepared you'll be. Watching the Sundance Channel, IFC and ShortTV which broadcasts short film and can let a producer know if it will be suitable for a particular outlet and will also help in understanding the marketing strategy a distributor develops, and will help make an intelligent assessment of sources of royalties.
The four major short distributors mentioned above are beginning to carve out niches for themselves. Forefront Films has been licensing shorts since 1992, and as such was the first American company to spe¬cialize in licensing shorts around the world. Forefront generally acquires 15 shorts a year and currently has close to 120 in its library. Its "goal in representing short films is twofold-to promote and license shorts for sales around the world, and to develop relationships with talented film makers to produce feature films, and to manage their careers," says Harold Warren, president of Forefront.
Ian Curtis Hanging Scene In The Film Closer
This link is to a video which shows the hanging of the Joy Division singer in the film Closer. The hanging is from 3:49 onwards.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Psychological Thrillers And The Directors
The story of a street nobody who dreams of becoming a somebody heavily refelects on the subjects of isolationism and how lonliness can drastically affect a persons character and sometimes even drive them to make extreme life changing decisions for better or for worse.
This is a subject that we'd like to portray but in a more modern background in a media and digital age. Hopefully displaying how little human society has advnaced in terms of social issues inbstead of trying to solve them they have only exassibated the problem by bombarding an individual with media advetisements and productions that can sometimes make a person believe thats all there is in life causing their own social interactions to dwindle. Usually this can go on for years but they always eventually realise what they have done which can lead them to make a drastic decision which is something I want to portray in this project by taking the idea of extreme lonliness and isolation and placing it in the modern world and show how a character can react to such a situation. This can also be seen as an educational (shock treatment) film bring to lihgt a problem that people seem happy to ignoresince with the issue being shown as real and still a problem to this day.
In terms of atmosphere and effect Se7en seems to show how important these can be in a psychological film, they can set the mood for the audience, create tension and tell an otherwise complex story in a simple way the audience can understand and even be entertained by.
What I want to take from thsi is how the director set up certain situations and how the characters react to them through; lighting, movements, sound effects and dialogue. Beinf a film lacking in much action that means it must be drtiven along on its atmosphere since the dialogue is short and often quite normal since the characters talk about regular things that could happen to anyone (this is outside of the actual murder investigation oiffcourse). Kevin Spacey's protrayel of a disturbed but somewhat polite serial killer will also help in creating the main protagonists personality since we want him to appear mentally unusual but on the outside appear normal if alittle reserved.
Fight Club - David Fincher
Fight Club is another film tht realise heavily on atmosphere and dialogue in order to sell it since (depsite the films title) there aren't many thriller or action based scenes featured which means it had to rely on other methods to sell the film.
This film introduced the idea of "voice-overs" since this is a sure way to represent a character as being slightly unusual since he chooses to speak in his head instead of with his voice which mean that he says something but the people around him don't know what he's saying (or rather what he's thinking). Also the idea of a plot twist which has been happoening since the beginning also inspired me to try and intergrate something similiar in thsi project, to have the story run from start to finish with a plot twist occuring throughout but only becoming visiable to the audience at the end.
Not only that but this film introduces the idea of two realities crossing together to effect the characters i.e. Tyler is an imagination created by the main character but dispite this he still drives the plot and effects both the protagonist and the viewer which at first isn't clear until the end when it appears as though Tyler was acting through the protagonist and that it was really him all along affecting everyone. While this can be complicated I'd still like to put something similiar into the film of something fictional or supernatural coming across and affecting the characters and plot in a way that can confuse and disorientate but ultimatley becomes clear at the end.
Monday, 4 October 2010
1. Are you male or female?
2. What age group are you?
Under 12's
Over 50
3. Do you watch films regularly?
Not a lot
4. What genre is most appealing to you?
If other, please state:
5. What makes you want to go watch a certain movies ?
Big-name actors
Trailer and storyline
Company producing it
If other please state:
6. Do you like watching small budget films?
If no please state why:
7. Do you like watching Short Films ?
8. Where would you expect to find Short Films ?
9. What would entice you to watch a Short Film
10. Have you seen any of the following films ?
Shutter Island
The Ring
The Village
11. If you’ve seen any of the above ?
What did you like about it
What did you hate about it
What would you do differently
12. Would you ever go see a Psychological Horror movie?
If no, why?
12. What kind of music would you expect to see in this sort of movie ?
13. What would you expect to see in that kind of movie ?
14. Would the title sequence of a film effect you opinion of it ?
15. How would you expect that type of film to be marketed and presented ?
Friday, 1 October 2010
Film Set Ideas
Ideas For Car Park:
1. We are wanting something like an inside car park as it adds more atmosphere to the scene and adds to the film. We are going to film this at Alexander Martin's car park outside his flat.
Ideas For Office space/Cubicle:
1. Using a real office to give the effect that it is a real office and we are wanting to add a few extras to give the idea that the main character is at work, and to use the added sound of people away at working, tapping keyboards and having a chat between each other.
2. Using a room at college as if each office worker has a separate room, this will be easier to film and edit as the sound will just come from the main character and it will not have anybody else to add sound to the scene/background noise.
Ideas For Flat:
1. Our idea is to have the flat being a dark place/ ideal for what the main character would like the room to be for his viewing pleasure. It would be relevant to have a little lamp in the scene as he writes his review so he would need some light to see what he is doing. The place we want to film the flat at is, Alexander Martin's flat.
2. If failing that another idea is to use a room in someones house and move things into that room that we would like in the scene for instance a chair/sofa, a lamp, a TV set and various different items that are key to the scene.