It has been decided in accordance to the film age rating system and through research of the Psychological Horror/Thriller genre that our project is made into a rate 15 movie.
This is due to the heavy psychological implications which could be disturbing for a younger audience. However these instances are not so extreme as to entitle the film an 18 rating since while there is very little genuine violence and the only death in the film has almost no blood or gore related props. However the psychological and horror elements create some disturbing imagery which while not vulgar are still graphic. Also due to this film having a particular message for people, ages between 15 – 30, it’s only natural for it to be suited to them whereas the message may not be understood by a younger audience.
The violence and profanity is done mildly and in such a degree as to refrain from insulting any specific peoples in terms of their; ethnicity, religion and social standing. There are no incidents where the characters are forced to do anything or subjected to any inhumane treatments throughout the stories development that are not within the boundaries of an age rating of 15 years.
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