Friday 10 September 2010

Film suggestions

Title: A Good Friend
Plot: A Teen Victim of bullying who has treated like dirt all his life, at home and at school. He starts seeing a ghostly figure appear in his room and talks to him. The morning after the entity appears he would wake up covered in blood. In a panic he would cover up the blood on their bed and wash the blood on their face and hands, change their clothes and run down stairs. Over breakfast, a report would come on the television that a body of one of the main character’s class mates, who was often abusive toward them, had been found nearby. On their way to school, they would walk past the place where the body had been found, and they would catch a glimpse of the ghostly figure they saw the night before. Throughout the day the main character would appear through windows and on corridors, but they only get mocked for trying to get other people to see them. When they get home, the characters mother shouts at them ending their argument a mug being thrown at the character. During the night, the characters bedroom door flies open with the entity dragging the corpse of their mother in to the room, as the character panics with monster explaining that its real and not in the characters imagination, the character asks “what are you” and the creature replies “ a good friend” and the scene cuts to back as it begins to swing a weapon.

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