Tuesday 3 May 2011

Problems with Production

Despite how successful the film came out there were a number of serious problems that threatened the feature even being created never mind produced. Here is a list of the most serious.

1. Officially the media groups are expected to be between 3 - 5 which our group fell under for the initial planning stages, however after 3 weeks one of our group dropped out of the course leaving the group with only 2 memebers which meant the research, filming, photography, acting and the editing was all performed by only 2 people, perhaps one of the most serious handicaps.

2. Malfunctioning machinery led to us losing the entire 1st filming of the office scene and having to re-shoot it, it didn't lead to an immediately serious problem because we simply re-shot it but none the less it led to alot of lost time (the problem was the on board mic wasn't recording sound). Not only that a similiar incident happened with the title sequences when it came to editing there was a blue dot constantly on the screen which didn't look very professional and couldn't be removed as a result it had to be re-shot but again this didn't drastically effect it but led to lost time.

3. My PC broke down 3 weeks before the hand in date which led to some problems with updating the blog and had to time manage to use other peoples and the colleges internet to contiune to update.

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