Thursday 7 April 2011

Voice Over Script

Derek-My Name is Derek Smith and I'm a film Reviewer. Not Professionally.
- I guess this is my Bible where I keep all of my ratings and thoughts. Its getting quite long now
-I usually buy 2 to 3 DVDs after work, helps to break up the rest of my day
-I guess you could say I rely on these DVDs to get through the week. A fun substitute for reality
-At work the call me the video kid, but only behind my back.

radio- Today the body of Lisa McManus has been found, the office employee is believed to have hung herself under suspicious circumstances but the police are yet to-

Derek- Hmm, I don't remember buying any DVDs today.
-I must have bought it with the camera and forgotten about it
-Ben was acting weird today, I guess it could be nothing

-come on! Hurry!

-Something very weird is going on today.
-Zero? That can't be right.

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