Wednesday 9 February 2011

Film Analysis


Throughout the film the director makes a good use of a variety of shots from close-ups to over-the-shoulder-reverse shots that clearly give the film a large portfolio of different viewpoints to see from but these are mostly in the form of simple shots rather than complex shots such as pans or zooms rather just POV's or different agnled shots.

However the takes alot of advantages of the film oppertunities for effective match-on-actions which is something i intend to take away from thsi film that a match-on-action can really transform an otherwise boring scene into a fast paced more interesting scenes


Continuity was near perfect throughout with very little evidence of stop motion or
broken timing, even the sound and effects flowed very well and didn't cause much distortion. Even the jump cuts didn't break the film and actually created good effects and let the audience know what was a flashback and what was present and also the slow motion created an excellent effect that told the audicne "this was significant" and made them pay attention and take note.

On a final note the film made use of fade in-fade outs in order the display the passge of time from one location to another which is something the group took note of and intend to implement into the film to represent the passage of time from which could come in handy for us if we reach a scene where we don't know how to transition between it and another.


The sound score proved very appropriate for the genre with the use of non-diagetic taking priority over diagetic sound which is near enough removed from the whole production. It could be seen that the absense of diagetic sound could make the film appear too serious but none the less created an effective atmosphere which helped add the the film as a whole.

However the film made almost no use of any sound effects which greatly played down certain scenes such as the hanging scene which is something i intend to remedy in our production by using sound effects to add to the tense attituse. This was done in the action scene too which i still feel was a great mistake.

Mis En Sene

Black and White gave the film a very classic and timeless feel which was appropriate for the genre and ultimately added a negative feel which again suited the film plot. The acting was near flawless even the slight accents were perfectly pronounced and despite a lsight stiffness in the hanging scene which made it alittle too obvious it was fake it was pretty good all things considered.

However throughout there was no real sense of tension or fear which could have been due to the lack of diagetic sound or sound effects but it all grouped together to make a very interesting film despite this, the clothes were minimalistic but appropriate, the focussing on the necklace singled it out nicely and the makeup in the action scene was agin well done and effective in that if displayed well what had happened without any doubt.

The last point however will be negative in that the end credits went by too fast making it hard for the audinece to praise whoever was involved which is something we intend to remedy in our film bu having slow purposeful credits at the beginning with accompnying images so as to intise the audience.

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