Friday 18 February 2011

Shooting Script

Scene 1,INT. Derek’s Flat, Evening
1. Long shot of Derek tapping on a keyboard’s spacebar to stop a film and picking up a pen to write in a note book
2. Close up of Derek writing in the note book
3. Back to long shot of Derek writing
4. Close up of Derek finishing the review
5. Long shot of Derek getting up with a couple of DVDs and walking towards the TV
6. Close up of Derek ejecting the DVD from the tray and taking it out
7. Long shot of Derek by the TV
8. Close up of putting the new DVD in and pushing the tray in
9. Medium shot of Derek sitting down and pointing a remote towards the TV and pressing play and scene cuts.

Scene 2,INT. Office, Day
1. Medium shot of Derek typing on his laptop. He closes his laptop and turns to a camcorder on his desk.
2. Over the shoulder shot of Derek picking up his camcorder
3. Low angled, medium close-up of Derek inspecting his camcorder as his work colleague, Ben, says hello to him
4. Medium shot of Ben walking towards Derek and talking to him
5. Reverse of Derek talking to Ben
6. Medium shot of Ben talking, he then turns on the radio
7. Close up of the radio as Ben turns it on
8. Medium shot of Ben listening, then turns of the radio and talks to Derek some more
9. Reverse shot of Derek giving his response as he puts his camcorder down
10. Medium shot of Ben reaching in to his pocket and pulling out a DVD and offering it over to Derek
11. Low angled close up the DVD with Derek in the background of the shot
12. Medium shot of Ben
13. Same as shot 11
14. Medium shot of Ben as he gets up and walks away
15. Close up of bens face in shadow with Derek in the background
16. Same as shot 11, he drops the DVD on to the table as the scene cuts out

Scene 3, EXT. car park, day
1. Close up of DVD dropping on the car seat
2. Long shot of Derek walking around the car to the driver’s side door
3. Close up of the car key going in to the lock and turning
4. Long shot of Derek opening the car
5. Medium shot, inside the car of Derek getting in and starting the car
6. Long shot, from the outside of the car, of the car reversing out of the space
7. Medium close-up of Derek as he reverses
8. Long shot of the car driving away, scene fades out

Scene 4, INT, basement car park, Day
1. Long shot of Derek’s car pulling in to the parking space
2. Medium shot of Derek in the car, turning off the engine, gathering his things and opening the door
3. Long shot of Derek getting out of the car and walking along
4. Close up of Derek’s face as suddenly stops, with a figure in the background
5. Close up from behind of Derek turning round to look
6. Same as shot 4, with the figure looming over Derek
7. Long shot from Derek’s side as he begins to run away
8. Long shot of Derek running for the door and realise it is locks
9. Medium shot from underneath Derek as he searches for his key to unlock the door
10. Medium shot of Derek going through the door and slamming it shut on the other side and sighs, he then sets off again
11. Medium shot of Derek walking down a corridor to a lift
12. Close up of Derek pressing the lift button
13. Close up of the floor numbers approaching the floor that he’s on
14. Close up of Derek waiting anxiously for the lift
15. Close up of the floor number arriving on his floor
16. Medium shot from inside the lift of Derek entering the lift with the doors closing behind him, fade to black

Scene 5, INT. Derek’s flat, Day
1. Medium, long shot of Derek getting on out the lift and walking towards his door
2. Close up of the lock as Derek unlocks the door
3. Medium shot of Derek opening the door and entering his flat
4. Medium shot of Derek taking of his coat when he is in his flat
5. Close up of Derek put his coat on the coat rack
6. Medium shot of Derek entering the living room and dropping a DVD in to a draw and walking toward the sofa
7. Long shot of Derek collapsing on the sofa, fade to black

Scene 6, INT. Derek’s Flat, Evening
1. A loud bang is heard, cut to close up of Derek’s face
2. A second bang is heard, cuts to medium shot of Derek sitting up quickly and getting up and exiting the shot
3. Medium shot of Derek looking round his flat
4. Long shot of Derek as he turns on hallway light and looks shocked
5. Long shot of dark figure in the hallway, a loud bang is heard from the left of shot
6. Long shot of Derek as he looks toward where the sound came from
7. Long shot of empty hallway as Derek turns back
8. Pan of DVDs all over the floor coming to a medium shot of Derek as he begins to walk in
9. POV shot of coffee table, with the DVD Derek received in the office and his notebook, on it
10. Medium shot of Derek sitting on the sofa a picking up the DVD and notebook
11. Over shoulder shot of the notebook and DVD.
12. Medium shot of Derek looking the notebook and looking at the TV and getting up and walking toward the television
13. Close up of Derek putting the DVD in to the tray and closing the tray
14. Medium shot of Derek sitting down and pressing play on the remote
15. Shot of the TV with the Dark figure walking towards a table
16. Reverse shot of Derek looking at the television
17. Same as shot 15, The figure puts the noose are its neck and takes its hood down revealing that the figure is actually Derek
18. Reverse shot of Derek looking astounded and afraid of what he sees
19. Shot of the TV as the figure on the TV jumps off the table
20. Medium shot of Derek reaching out to the TV yelling “NO”
21. Medium shot of the TV showing the figure’s legs stop just short of the ground, In the foreground, Derek’s legs drop simultaneously and hang in the front of shot at either side of the figures legs on the TV screen
22. Close up of a camcorder, being turned off and the side screen closed
23. Cuts to black, Bens voice over ending to the film

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