Tuesday 8 February 2011

Final Review INT. Derek's home--DAY

Montage when Derek is putting DVDs in to a player and is writing down a review in a notebook in scrappy handwriting and taking out the DVD and replacing a new one, throwing down a full notebook, picking up another and flicking through the pages to find a space for a new review, rummaging through a pile of old pens to find one that works, testing the pen on the note book cover before beginning to write his review. The montage uses jump cuts and other editing techniques to demonstrate to mental condition of the character.


Derek is in the corner of the office looking at a video camera he had picked up and his way to work. When he gets there he checks that he has been given everything he order as a colleague called John walks up to him.


Heyup Derek, what you up to.


Oh hi John, I just got here and I'm just looking at this camera I bought.


Fair enough, just came over her because you dropped one of your DVDs.

Ben pulls the DVD from out of his pocket and shows it to Derek who has a look of slight confusion in his face as he inspects the disc.


Are you sure, I can't remember taking any discs with me


Well it fell out of your bag I just presumed that it might be yours


Hmm, I must have bought it a while ago and forgot about it


Must have


Well thanks for letting me know about that


No problem pal, see you later


(Whilst inspecting the disc) Yeah see you later Ben

Derek drops the DVD on to the table. (Scene cuts away to the next scene)

EXT. Derek's car--day

Derek drops the DVD on to the passenger seat and closes the door. He walks round to the driver side and opens the door and gets in and drives away.

INT. Basement car park--day

Derek arrives and parks his car. He picks the DVD up from the passenger seat and gets out of the car. He walks for a few steps and a mysterious appears behind him, Derek turns to look at the mysterious figure, but when he turns back the mysterious figure is looming over his shoulder. Derek feeling nervous about the mysterious figure is following him runs out of the car park and in to a lift.

INT. Derek's flat--evening

Derek arrives at his flat and opens the door, locks it behind him and puts his coat on the coat rack. Derek then goes in to the kitchen area and drops the DVD in to a draw and wanders in to the living room, collapses on to the sofa and falls asleep. A loud bang is heard and Derek wakes up, thinking it may be nothing and goes back to sleep. Another, louder bang is heard and he sits up and runs around his flat to find the source of the bangs. When he turns the light on in the hall way, he sees the mysterious figure he saw earlier. A bang is heard for the left of screen and Derek turns his head. When he looks back the figure has gone. He walks back in to the living room and sees that his collection of DVDs have been spread across the floor. He sees that his notebook and the DVD he got earlier were on the table like the were ready to be reviewed. He sits at the table and picks up the DVD and note book and sees that the DVD hasn't been given a mark out of ten. He takes the DVD to the player and puts it in sits down and watches.

THE ACTUAL SNUFF FILM: (black and white film) the film starts off in a corridor and turns in a same Multi-purpose hall. The camera pans up to the top of some stairs and pans back to see the hooded figure who walks in to the camera which cuts to black and fades back in to the hooded figure walking away from the camera down a different hall way. The film then jump cuts the figure walk in to a room with a pre-tied noose hang in mid frame. The figure puts the noose round his neck and pulls down his hood revealing that it is Derek the jumps off his perch to hang himself.

As the figure on the TV hangs himself, Derek reaches out to the TV and shouts.



As the feet drop on the TV screen. Derek's feet drop in front of the TV and swing lifelessly in front of the screen.

The films ends with a shot of a camcorder being turned off and the screen being closed in and a voice over of Ben's voice

oh before I forget, You've dropped one of your DVDs

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