Friday 4 February 2011

Making the hanging scene

In our film we plan for our character to watch a snuff film at the end of the film at which time he realises that it's actually him on the tape.
In filming this scene there was a lot of serious safety risks involved with somebody have a rope around their neck and some risks to standing on a table.
we first did a risk assessment so we knew what the dangers were. Some were obvious for example if the actor fell down with the rope around his neck the rope could snag upon something and choke him. To reduce this risk we did a number of things, the first of which was that we didn't have the actor off the ground at any time whilst he had the rope was around his neck. We also didn't allow him to moved anywhere while the rope was around his neck from risk of him falling. The rope itself was tied properly at the noose but was pinned discreetly so that the rope couldn't tighten, if the pin was to fail, the rope was held up slackly by a light weight pole by the third member of our crew, Chris, who was to lower the pole immediately and let out more rope if anything was to go wrong.
For when the character steps off the table we used a small step for him to use which was around 6 inches tall and the rope was adjusted so when the actor stepped off there was plenty of rope to allow him to get to the ground comfortably without choking him.

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