Derek is the lead role of the film taking up approximately 75% of the entire film and whose personality just drive home the point of the film, given that I have taken part in the research and planning of the film to begin with and it was my idea to do a film based after the short story "Snuff" it was decided I would take the part since it was understood I know the story and the character best.
Derek must be protraid as morose and depressed with very little genuinely likable characteristics and almost no life in his voice also his dress sense with a cheap mis-matched suit being the primary costume to show his disinterest with work and general lack of caring about life in general with regular evening wear being the secondary. Certain props will be added to heighten his characteristics or to add to the genuinely of the scene i.e. name tag for work and video camera to show his media interest.
Ben Baranski - Benedict Arnold
Ben is supporting role taking up the final 25% of the film encompassing the office where he will act as Derek's only connection to the outside world and hence will be made completely different from him i.e. talkative, engaging and ultimately portraid as a lot more powerful that Derek whom will seem smaller by comparison. The comparison theme is essential since before this the audience will already have a negative view of Derek and this will serve to enhance that feeling of uselessness, furthermore Ben will also be a catalyst for the story's progression i.e. turns the radio to show suicides have been happening a lot lately and handing the cursed DVD to Derek which enables then last scene. Only a final note it will be Ben who adds the ultimate twist at the end.
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