Thursday 31 March 2011

Title Sequence

Here is an example of the Title Sequnece used in the film, the idea was to follow the example lead by the Se7en and Dr. Moreau trailers and use images that could be seen in the film but exagerated and blown up to large proportiuons so that the auidience is under no illusion as to what the premiss of the film is.

However it just be noted that the images used, while push the films storyline down the audience throats, the actual message is kept a secret since the overall message must be something the audience reaches on their own and if it was placed in the Title Sequence then it could turn eitrher confuse the audience or make the titles too long for the film to be presented with the time requirements.

The scenes used were present in the film however more exajerated to show the presence of media in both DVD, film and TV buty filmed in such a way as to make them appear disorderly, chaotic and generally weird. This coupled with the music score I feel compels the audience to realise this is a psychological horror and given that the music used is used throughout the film serves as a subtle reminder as well as an atmosphere builder. Furthermore the use of distortion effects on the actor names and responsabilities serves to emphasise the idea of a disturbing element present and after viewing Se7en's title it was possible to put in the actors without the need for sayin if they were actors or not so that any plot twists are kepty secret until revealed.

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