Monday 21 March 2011

Target Audience Research

It became clear after the initial questionning that there is a definate market for the psychological genre as a whole since people will always be willing to see it out of curiosity even if its only the one viewing, hwoever the data itself was mostly targetted at males which provided info that gave the group and myself confidence in proceeding as we were and to take some of the comments of these people onboard.

E.g. one perticular viewer takes the music used ina film perticulary seriously and so we must take great care to find, edit and implement a music score that not only fits in with the mood of the film but can also flow with the camera movements and effects toi add an even greater atmosphere.

Needless to say the information while valuable was somewhat biased meaning a more thourghough investigation into the female opinion maybe necesary later on but for now these details appear very diverse and seem to be the general concensus dealing with most aspects of the film i.e. music and effects, however we ithought ahead and decided to implement film representation that we assumed to provoke interest from a female audience. For example the use of a male protagonist in which he is seen as a victim, a place normally occupied by a female lead.

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