Tuesday 11 January 2011

Call Sheet 2

Title: Office Scene

Shooting Date: 9th November 2010

Crew Details:

Alexander Martin

Hitomi Jake

Ben Baranski

Additional Crew:

Sam Heckinbottom
Ben Baranski
Keiron Tonge
James Lock
Ian Uttely
Hitomi Jake


Barnsley 6th Form College
Oldmill Lane Site


Alexander Martin: Actor / Director / Producer / Student

Ian Uttley: Camera / Equipment / Student

Hitomi Jake: Sound / Camera / Student

Ben Baranski: Actor / Camera / Student


Time Start: 19:00pm


1. Shooting to begin at 19:00pm at the Oldmill Lane site because it was the only place with a large enough space to film 180 degrees around a table.

2. Quick inspection of the shooting area to check for any obstructions

3. The scenes props were laid out, mostly office utensils with a non-functioning laptop and radio

4. Sound checks and equipment checks.

5. Filming to begin as though Derek is working away as he would normally in an office environment.

6. After that the camera will cut to a more close up shot as Derek picks up a camera so the people can recognise the it’s importance.

7. Ben Baranski’s character will then walk over and the two will exchange dialogue, this will be done twice from each person perspective.

8. The next shot will compose of Ben handing “The DVD” over to Derek and then Walking away, the camera will be positioned quite away from Ben so that a half-shadowed face effect is added to add ominous, again this will be done from both people’s perspectives.

9. Short break followed by close ups of all the major elements i.e. Ben turning stereo on, Derek picking camera and handing the DVD over.

10. Derek will thgen look at the DVD strangely and then throw it onto the table, cut and end of actual scene there.

11. Stayed on for another 10 minutes to review the outtakes.

Wrap Time: 21:15

Additional Contacts / Equipment:

HD Digital Camera
Standard Digital Camera
Boom Mike
Office Utensils

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