Wednesday 26 January 2011

Call Sheet 5

Call Sheet / Daily Schedule

Title: Apartment Scene

Shooting Date: 6th December 2010


Director / Producer: Alexander Martin

Camera / Equipment: Ian Uttley

Apartment Blocks
Plaza Quarter 1
Fitzwilliam Street


Alexander Martin: Actor / Director / Producer / Student

Ian Uttley: Camera / Equipment / Student


Time: 12:00 am


1. Arrive at apartment 12:00

2. Quick inspection of the shooting area to check for any obstructions or safety hazards

3. Establish the points to place the camera so as to maximize the space but also to discuss any experimental shots i.e. close ups, POV shots etc. while having time to film any spare film incase of emergency reductions or extensions to how the film has to be.

4. Begin rehearsal for the scene and run through a practice motion of Derek leaving the lift and entering apartment.

5. Filming to begin as Derek leaves list and goes to door with a match on action of key going into door lock and Derek goes in.

6. Camera will be panned to follow Derek leaving the lift

7. Derek will enter so the camera will go into the hall way of the apartment which will be darker until a light is flicked on.

8. Derek will go through hall way into the living room, open drawer where he’ll put the DVD into a drawer and fall onto the couch & appear to go to sleep with a fade in/out shot to represent time passing.

9. Derek will be awakened by a noise and go investigate only to find the same dark stranger from the car park, however played by Ian this time, there will be a sound of DVD’s scattering on floor that distracts Derek who turn & when he turns back the strange will be gone.

10. Derek will go back into living room not in a complete mess with the DVD and notebook, originally in drawer, open on the table.

11. Derek will go over and inspect both the DVD and book then proceed to put DVD in player and watch. After the person in DVD reveals himself to be Derek himself he will scream “NO!” where the films Derek will jump down to hang himself. Derek’s legs will snap down at the same time.

12. A fade in/out will cause the camera to rotate to show the other side of the room which up until now has not been shown in any of the film. Here there will be a digital camera set up recording Derek’s suicide where a hand will come in out of shot and turn camera off.

13. The film will end with a quick cut to black effectively ending that session and the movies filming too. Effects will be added with a sound of either a DVD player opening and closing or have a previous character, Benedict Arnold / Ben Baranski’s, voice will repeat the line used in the office scene; “They you dropped your film”. END.

Wrap Time: 15:00 - 15:30


HD Digital Camera / Tripod
Digital Camera / Tripod
ID Badge
Apartment Keys
Notebook / Various Pens
Various DVD’S
Noose / apparatus to mimic a hanging

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