Tuesday 18 January 2011

Call Sheet 4

Call Sheet / Daily Schedule

Title: Parking Car Scene

Shooting Date: 25th November 2010


Director / Producer: Alexander Martin

Camera / Equipment: Ian Uttley


Apartment Blocks

Plaza Quarter 1

Fitzwilliam Street


Alexander Martin: Actor / Director / Producer / Student

Ian Uttley: Camera / Equipment / Student

Geoff Martin: Actor


Time: 10:00 pm


1. Arrive at car park 10:00

2. Quick inspection of the shooting area to check for any obstructions or safety hazards

3. Establish the points to place the camera so as to maximize the space but also to get enough shots to build a decent driving and running scene while having some spare incase of emergency reductions or extensions to how the film has to be.

4. Begin rehearsal for the scene and run through a practice motion to get the car timing correct and warmed up to prevent stalls in the film.

5. Filming to begin as the car enters the car park, Derek will leave the car and walk a short distance to exit.

6. Camera will be moved into a close-up to show over Derek's shoulder where Geoff will be wearing the dark stranger outfit looking in Derek's direction.

7. Derek will turn round to find no one there and when he turns back the stranger will be right behind him, reverse over the shoulder shot into an establishing shot back to an over the shoulder shot.

8. Derek will appear scared and begin running off to the door, when he reaches door there will be a shot from under him to emphasize the urgency of the moment.

9. Cut from inside the building as Derek bursts through the door looking scared and alittle relieved, then cut further into the building as Derek makes his way to the lift.

10. Cut to Derek waiting for lift with shots of the lifts dropping down floors with the ringing sound at the end signaling the lift has reached the floor. Derek enters the lift and the lift door closes ending that day of filming.

Wrap Time: 12:00 - 12:30


HD Digital Camera

ID Badge

Car Keys

Apartment Keys

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