Tuesday 11 January 2011

Call Sheet 1

Title: Hanging Scene

Shooting Date: 2nd November 2010

Crew Details:

Alexander Martin

Ian Uttley

Additional Crew:

Stage Hand : Chris Mellor


Barnsley 6th Form College
Honeywell Site
Arts & Design Building
Media Bloc


Alexander Martin: Actor / Director / Producer / Student

Ian Uttley: Camera / Equipment / Student

Chris Mellor: Stage Hand/ Student

Simon: Adviser / Media Tutor

Barnsley College: Shooting Location / Equipment Storage


Time Start: 15:30 pm


1. Shooting begins at 15:30pm during the scheduled media lesson.

2. Quick inspection of the shooting area to check for any obstructions or safety hazards and an assessment of where Chris the Stage Hand can position himself so the noose can be in the best location.

3. Establish points to place the camera so as to maximise the space but also to get enough shots to build a dark but still visible scene while having some spare encase of emergency reductions or extensions to how the film has to be.

4. Begin rehearsal of the whole hanging scene at 15:50 and if it goes smoothly will have a short piece of extra filming at end encase there’s time for additional atmosphere building scenes at end.

5. Begin filming and each section of the walk to the table will be filmed twice as a precaution.

6. Short 10-minute break and during this time to readjust lighting so audience can see what’s happening better, any last minute ideas put forward.

7. Filming begins again but this time from a medium close-up angle and was filmed 5 times as a precaution due to actors laughing during filming.

8. Extra scenes filmed quickly at end to make the scene appear more eerie but these will only be used if we can afford any time extensions in film

Wrap Time: 16:45 no later

Additional Contacts / Equipment:

HD Digital Camera
Halogen Lighting
Extension Pole
3 feet high table
1 foot high table

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