Wednesday 26 January 2011

Title Sequence Examples

Se7en is a perfect example of the kind of title sequenece that a psychological horror requires using fast transitiong stop-motion editing to create a fast paced yet highly atmospheric media art. The fast pacing, the music and the u8se off highly effective and even shocking images sets the overall feeling of the film and tells the audience what they they can expect from this film but it just also the be noted that the title sequence has to use such images to capture the audiences attention from the start since it only has just over a munite to achieve this wheras the film has as long as it runs to tell set the mood which may make alittle slower to capture the audience but all the more effective as the story unfolds.

While a completely different story from what our production or Se7en was, The Island of Dr Moreau's title sequence uses the same style and premis to achieve its goal of captivating its audience to nsuch an extent that it compels them to watch the film, whcih is essential the title sequence played out over a longer period of time with more explanations and details so as to explain the plot. The title sequence to a film is so important sometimes that filom companies often employ external agencies to design their title seuences for them instead of using their own editors so that everyone focusses on one thing at a time so they can be completed to perfection which is done very well in both examples of Se7en and Dr. Moreau.

On another note the audience will always see the title sequence first before the main feature which makes it just as important as the film since the audience will judge the whole film based on the first thing they see which makes the title sequence the first hurdle towards the audience's enjoyment of the movie and must be taken seriously.

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